Tuesday, October 2, 2012

On Talking Teachers Down Off That Ledge [A True PLC] | The Jose Vilson

On Talking Teachers Down Off That Ledge [A True PLC] | The Jose Vilson:

On Talking Teachers Down Off That Ledge [A True PLC]

All ears
“I‘ve had it up to here with them. They just … oooohhhh …”
She sobbed. I sat there in my classroom hoping to decompress from another long day with my sixth grade homeroom class when she walked in, needing a colleagues’ ear.
“You think you’re coming in to teach. You plan, grade papers, and plan some more, and you think it’s going to go so well, and … I just don’t know.”
She shook her head.
“I understand,” I said as I nodded my head, hoping to just soak in her energy a bit. She just finished teaching my