Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NYC Public School Parents: My debate with Goldhaber on Nevada public radio about (you guessed it) class size

NYC Public School Parents: My debate with Goldhaber on Nevada public radio about (you guessed it) class size:

My debate with Goldhaber on Nevada public radio about (you guessed it) class size

I debated Dan Goldhaber on the radio today, on KNPR in Nevada.  Please listen to the podcast here.  Also participating was a Las Vegas reporter and deputy superintendent, as well as some great callers, mostly teachers.

Goldhaber, who works at the Gates-funded Center for Education Data and Research in the state of Washington, and predictably enough would like to focus on teacher evaluation instead as a means to improve schools, wrongly claimed the STAR experiment in Tennessee showed that class size mattered only for poor kids. Actually STAR showed ALL students did better in small classes, with poor kids seeing twice the benefit.  See