Friday, October 26, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Would Dr. Suess Approve of Data Determining "The Places You'll Go"?

Missouri Education Watchdog: Would Dr. Suess Approve of Data Determining "The Places You'll Go"?:

Would Dr. Suess Approve of Data Determining "The Places You'll Go"?

Suess was writing about personal journeys, not about data determining those personal journeys

"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"  Remember the Dr. Suess book with that name?  It's a book given to many graduates as they enter the world.  It's a book about choices, change, risk and growth a young boy faces as he explores life.  Excerpts from a summary of "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" from

Oh The Places You'll Go describes up times and down times, waiting times and stressful