Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Test Scores and the Newark Teachers Contract

Jersey Jazzman: Test Scores and the Newark Teachers Contract:

Test Scores and the Newark Teachers Contract

It's a fact: test scores will be used to determine who gets merit pay bonuses in the proposed Newark teachers contract. From the new TEACHNJ Act, which sets out criteria for teacher evaluations:
Standardized assessments shall be used as a measure of student progress but shall not be the predominant factor in the overall evaluation of a teacher.
As I've said here many times, it doesn't matter if tests are the "predominant factor" or not when used to make a high-stakes decision like granting a bonus: some of the evaluation becomes all of the decision. If two teachers have the same observation scores, the one with a better test-based rating is going to get the money. Period.

Now, we all know this will change what is taught in the classroom: teachers teach the test when the test tests teachers. And don't let know-nothings like Michelle Rhee try to convince you that teachers won't drill-and-kill