Saturday, October 13, 2012

How Can One Teacher be Both the Best and the Worst? A Letter to President Obama - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

How Can One Teacher be Both the Best and the Worst? A Letter to President Obama - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

How Can One Teacher be Both the Best and the Worst? A Letter to President Obama

Follow me on Twitter at @AnthonyCody
I have volunteered to help Diane Ravitch collect and organize letters for the Campaign for our Public Schools, which will culminate on Thursday, October 17. All the letters collected by then will be sent to the White House and to the Department of Education. Instructions on how to send a letter are at the bottom of this post.
The letters are pouring in. Each one reveals another facet of the lives of our schools in 2012. Today I am sharing a letter sent in by Shelley Barker, of Snohomish, Washington. Please read, and then take a few minutes to write a letter of your own.
Dear President Obama,
I am a 7th grade writing teacher. I love my school, my job, and my students. Summers are torture to me because I'm out of the classroom. I truly feel I was put on this earth to teach middle school. My job is me and I