Monday, October 1, 2012

Fund and Games: Inside Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's official schedule - Washington City Paper

Fund and Games: Inside Michelle Rhee's official schedule - Washington City Paper:

Fund and GamesInside Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's official schedule

What does a chancellor do all day?
Visit schools? Interview principals? Confer with top aides? “Chancel”?
D.C. Public Schools chiefMichelle A. Rheecertainly does all of those things. But in between workaday concerns, Rhee has become part of a vast network of education-oriented charities, think tanks, business interests, and “venture philanthropists.” Her talks with and wooing of this educational-industrial complex have both enmeshed her in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors of her new city and have taken her across the country to speak to grad students, corporate functionaries, and masters of the universe.
LL’s examination of the chancellor’s official schedule through November—obtained through a public records request—reveals the degree to which Rhee’s official duties