Tuesday, October 9, 2012

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, October 9, 2012

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Deasy warns that looming budget cuts threaten classroom gains 


Education Headlines

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Boy brings gun to school

A single, accidental gunshot rang out in a south Stockton seventh-grade classroom Monday morning, wounding no one but resulting in the arrests of two boys, ages 11 and 12, Stockton Unified Police Chief Jim West said.

Administrator was criticized for yelling, berating

The administrator suing San Diego Unified School District to undo her pending demotion was repeatedly criticized by people who worked for her, according to dozens of pages of records obtained by The Watchdog.

LAUSD to promote arts education on city buses, billboards

Original works by renowned Los Angeles artists will be posted on billboards and city buses as part of the "Arts Matter" exhibition and fund-raising campaign designed to revitalize arts education in LAUSD.

Layoffs claim L.A. band teacher who turned novices into champions

Ray Vizcarra resurrected Fairfax High's band, teaching students to play instruments from scratch. They soon won all-city competitions. But the Los Angeles Unified had to cut jobs, and he lacked seniority.

Oakland schools seek kitchen upgrades with November ballot measure

Public schools in Oakland are looking for major kitchen remodeling with a measure on the November ballot. If approved, Measure J would authorize the Oakland Unified School District to issue up $475 million in bonds to improve school facilities.

EdSource: Rift widens between backers of ed initiatives 30 and 38

All pretense of goodwill is gone between backers of the two competing education tax measures on November’s ballot.

Deasy warns that looming budget cuts threaten classroom gains

L.A. schools Supt. John Deasy warned Monday of “catastrophic” consequences for local schools if California voters fail to approve tax measures on the November ballot.
Monday, October 8, 2012

San Diego school property sale brings $36 million in bids

Top bids for two old campuses and nearly seven acres of land for sale in the San Diego Unified School District have come in $13 million over the asking price.

Sacramento Unified asks voters to approve two school bonds

The Sacramento City Unified School District is asking voters to approve two school bonds totaling $414 million to address a host of construction projects as well as health and safety issues.

Novato charter school plan sparks debate

As proponents of a new charter school in Novato prepare to file paperwork with the school district, a group of parents has organized in opposition, saying the charter would siphon funds from other schools.