Monday, October 22, 2012

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, October 22, 2012

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Education Headlines

Monday, October 22, 2012

Rowland Unified voters to decide on $158.8 million bond measure

The Rowland Unified School District is hoping voters in November will approve Measure R, a $158.8 million school bond that would fund a performing arts center at Rowland High School and replace portable classrooms at Oswalt Academy, a technology school.

Schools look to boost use of computers, other gadgets without breaking the budget

Inexpensive tablets, the rise of smart phones and the development of online textbooks and educational applications have combined to increase the feasibility of putting an Internet-connected device in front of every student. But an era of budget-tightening that has included teacher layoffs, increased class sizes and transportation cuts has led districts to seek out ways to provide this technology without draining education funds.

Anti-tax group seeks limits on pay for union presidents

Organizers with a local anti-tax group said they hope to lobby state legislators and ask them to end the practice of school districts paying the salary of teachers union presidents while they aren’t working in the classroom.

Voters want mayor involved in schools, poll says

More than eight in ten likely voters in the city of San Diego agree their next mayor should be involved with the public schools, according to a USD Center for Education Policy and Law/U-T San Diego Poll.

Special ed e-mail to be probed by state

The California Department of Education will investigate whether the San Francisco Unified School District improperly denied summer school services to students with special needs to curb costs, violating federal regulations, officials said.

Two funds raise money to help Bay Area schools

Spurred by the urgency of failing schools, two funds to nurture and spread innovation in education have launched this week, both hoping to harness technology to revolutionize the classroom.

'Choices' opens new doors for students at failing LAUSD schools

Barack Obama Global Prep Academy is one of nearly 450 Los Angeles Unified campuses designated as Program Improvement Schools because they've fallen short of academic targets for two consecutive years. As part of the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act, the 428,000-plus students at those schools are eligible to transfer to a non-PI school, with bus transportation provided by the district.

Lopez: Don't demonize teachers because of pension system's faults

Yes, public pensions got out of hand. But teachers aren't the biggest culprits, nor are they why California has some of the nation's most shamefully underfunded schools.

O.C. classrooms to change under Common Cor

Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have adopted the standards, replacing a hodgepodge of state guidelines. The initial rollout over the next two years is only for English and math, with the expectation that other core subjects will be added later. In spring 2015, California will also overhaul its testing program to align with Common Core standards.

SF City College money woes have long history

The story of what brought a vast college to its knees could fill a business course syllabus or, better, a novel. It's a tale of innovation and self-protection, against a backdrop of generosity.

Raising taxes for schools, budget

For Gov. Jerry Brown, who has been trying to raise taxes almost since taking office last year, Proposition 30 is a major test of his political abilities. After failing last year to persuade Republican lawmakers to put higher taxes on a ballot, the Democratic governor made the initiative his signature effort this year.

EdSource: CTA’s big push, winning hearts and minds, one voter at a time

Instead of meeting in Los Angeles, as they usually do this time of year, the 800 state council delegates of the California Teachers Association, along with hundreds of others, mobilized over the weekend in their local districts, making phone calls and house calls urging voters to say yes on Proposition 30 and no on Proposition 32 by capitalizing on what they consider their best asset: themselves.

Gov. Jerry Brown stumps for taxes at churches

Gov. Jerry Brown pitched his tax plan at two Bay Area churches Sunday, quoting the Gospel and pledging to send more money to schools.
Friday, October 19, 2012

Big money in play in Oakland school board campaigns

Local school board races are often low-budget, low-profile affairs, and until now, Oakland has been no exception. But this year, two new political action committees have thrown themselves into the election, infusing once-lethargic races with energy -- and cash.

Most students give more healthful state school menus thumbs up

For every three California public school students who think school meals are yummier than usual, there's only one who thinks they're worse, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Fensterwald: Parents, teachers can now sample Common Core test questions

Smarter Balanced, the organization that is designing the Common Core assessments for California and two dozen other member states, released sample test items for parents and teachers last week. As expected, they’re anything but your father’s multiple choice.