Saturday, October 27, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Communities Need Parent Trigger Laws | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Communities Need Parent Trigger Laws | Debate Club | US News Opinion:

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Communities Need Parent Trigger Laws

October 26, 2012

About Michelle Rhee:
She will eat your brain first and
 then give you a parent trigger

Parents of children at Desert Trails Elementary School in Adelanto, Calif., didn't decide to seek an overhaul of the school using the state's 2010 parent-trigger law lightly, or with little thought. They sought changes on numerous occasions, giving administrators plenty of chances to bring about improvements at the school, where 70 percent of sixth graders aren't reading or doing math on grade level and which has been on a state list of failing schools for six years.
Parent-trigger isn't a first course of action, and it's not used to solve small problems. It's a law families can rely on to bring