Friday, October 26, 2012

UPDATE: Diane in the Evening 10-26-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Charter Plan to Privatize Public Education in San Antonio

With a favorable rightwing privatizing climate in Texas and bipartisan support in Washington, a group of charters have proposed a bold plan to take over one fourth of all the students in San Antonio. The time is right for privatization on a grand scle.

Is Douglas County, Colorado, on the Cutting Edge of Reform?

EduShyster is always on the lookout for the leading lights of “reform.”
Is Douglas County, Colorado, the one?
Break open a box of wine and enjoy.

The Business Model Does Not Work in Education

Here is the great journalist Juan Gonzalez interviewing CTU President Karen Lewis and Professor Lois Wiener on Race to the Top. Arne Duncan, and privatization.

A Tiny Brush with Greatness

Jacques Barzun, one of the great thinkers of our age, died at the age of 104 in San Antonio, after a long and distinguished career as a thinker, teacher, cultural critic, and author.
The obituary in the New York Times describes his amazing career.
We are not likely to see his like again. Our age moves too swiftly and demands too much interactivity to allow figures like Barzun to grow, ripen and flourish.
He had the unusual ability to transmit his vast knowledge of history to the public.
I did not know him well but I had a small encounter with