Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daily Kos: Some guesses on impact of debate

Daily Kos: Some guesses on impact of debate:

Some guesses on impact of debate

First and foremost, Obama will reestablish his superiority among women.  The President managed to make clear the threat Romney represents to their health care.  But also, I think "binders full of women" will bite - it has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook.  I also think Romney badly hurt himself with single moms with the remarks he made about it being better for children to be raised by two parents.
Second, one must look at entire exchange on Libya.  It is not just that Romney got his facts wrong and slapped down by both President & Candy Crowley.  It is that the President clearly nailed him on politicizing a foreign crisis.  Because Obama took responsibility, he established a standard for being a Commander-in-Chief and, going into last debate on foreign and military issues, has positioned Romney in a place where there are probably some serious doubts about him as Commander-in-Chief.
Third, and this is critical:  for all Romney's saying he will work with others, the way he presented himself totally undercut that. He came across as a bully, one who complained when he could not run over Crowley (big mistake to bully a female moderator, who btw was not cowed) and the President basically punched him in the nose.  

A used-car salesman

Just a brief thought to get out there.
I listened this morning to John Kerry describing Mitt Romney as the closer who will say anything to close the deal, even if he does not know that much about it.
While that might be true of his business experience, I think there is a far more powerful meme.
Mitt Romney is a used-car salesman.
The used-car he is trying to sell you is the Bush economic plan, the idea that tax cuts magically create jobs.
He doesn't want you to look under the hood - he won't give details of his tax plan.
He won't give you the CarFax -  the data that shows that cutting taxes for the rich has never created jobs the