Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Kos: "Shoulders" - new ad for Christie Vilsack in IA-04 - u will want to watch

Daily Kos: "Shoulders" - new ad for Christie Vilsack in IA-04 - u will want to watch:

"Shoulders" - new ad for Christie Vilsack in IA-04 - u will want to watch

Yes the Big Dog, Elvis, went to Iowa for Christie.
There are long-time connections between the families.
Christie's brother shared a cubicle at the House Judiciary Committee with Hillary Rodham during the impeachment hearing on Richard Nixon
Hillary came out to campaign for Tom when in his first run for governor he was double digits down.
When Tom dropped out of the 2008 presidential race he endorsed Hillary.
Remember, Christie's opponent is the obnoxious Steve King.
This is a winnable seat.
For more on Christie, and to contribute if so inclined, go to her website

Romney on Libya: Just shameful

is the title of this New York Daily News op ed by Richard A. Clarke.   Yes, that Richard A. Clarke, the one inside the Bush administration who told the truth to the commission on 9-11, who apologized to their families, saying their government had failed them.
The heart of the op ed is here:
Every President since Ronald Reagan has suffered American casualties to terrorism on his watch. Obama has suffered far fewer than his predecessors, largely because he has kept the terrorist groups off balance by relentlessly attacking them. He has largely eliminated Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan as an effective fighting force. His use of drones and special forces has been aggressive and successful, including in Yemen and Somalia.

Denver Post endorses Obama - again

in this editorial.  Worth noting that in primaries in 2008 they had endorsed Romney over McCain.
It is an endorsement that offers criticism of Obama on a number of fronts, particularly on the economy.  But then they criticize both the Republicans in Congress and Mitt Romney
Here are some important takeaways from the editorial:
A largely intransigent Republican Party shares blame for economic sluggishness, particularly in refusal to

POSITIVE statistics on early voting in Ohio

as appearing in a memo from Jeremy Bird, National Field Director for the Obama campaign, that is being widely distributed via a tweet from Ben LaBolt
All national polling organizations who have surveyed preference of early voters - including Rasmussen - find a significant lead for Obama, ranging from +19 in SurveyUSa to +52 for PPP
Data on new registrants in 2012 include that 81% of those registering this yea are "either female, younger than