Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daily Kos: IA-04: two major endorsements for Christie Vilsack

Daily Kos: IA-04: two major endorsements for Christie Vilsack:

IA-04: two major endorsements for Christie Vilsack

First, the Des Moines Register, which begins its endorsement by dissing her opponent:
Every time the Register’s editorial board meets with Rep. Steve King, we are reminded why we endorsed him a decade ago. He is articulate, personable and full of energy. Yet, about 15 minutes into the conversation, we are reminded of why we later withdrew that endorsement and why the Kiron Republican should not be representing Iowa in Congress.
  DesMoines is not in the district, but is the major paper in the state.  The editorial board finds things to criticize, including her not taking a position on some issues, but believes she can.  They are more concerned with their extreme distaste for King:
King seems to amuse himself by being as partisan and vitriolic as he can be. He has had 10 years in Washington to cultivate his inner-statesman, but he has failed to do so. It’s time for Iowa to make a change.
And for an endorsement from within the district, continue below the squiggle.