Sunday, October 14, 2012

Caring - Walter_McKenzie , ASCD EDge Blog post - A Professional Networking Community for Educators

Caring - Woodbridge, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - A Professional Networking Community for Educators:

Looking Ahead


Caring makes all the difference in the world. Not a mood or an attitude…caring is a way of being. You either care or you don’t. It’s easy to care when something is important to you. But how about caring when it’s important to someone else? How about caring when there’s nothing in it for you, because it makes the world a better place?

Caring does not turn on and off. It doesn’t only count when it grabs your attention. It doesn’t matter just when you feel like it. It is something that can be seen from within regardless of the moment or the motivation. You either genuinely care or you don’t.

In order to be caring you have to have thought through what you are all about. You know why you are here…why you are in education…and why you make the