Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A memory of Russell Means, who I never met. « Fred Klonsky

A memory of Russell Means, who I never met. « Fred Klonsky

A memory of Russell Means, who I never met.

Russell Means died yesterday at the age of 72.
Means was a leader of the American Indian Movement that led the upraising at Wounded Knee in 1973.
I never met him. I would have liked to.
In 1973 I drove my 1968 little green Volkswagon in my move from LA to Chicago.
All across the western part of the US I followed the events at Wounded Knee on the radio.
At a stop in Gallup, New Mexico local Native people were protesting the shooting of a young Native teenager by the local police.
It was just a few years after the seizure of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay by Native Americans. That was in 1969. America was revealing its history and its diversity. Or rather America was having its history and diversity

The in box. We’re beyond the point of reasonable persuasion.

I’ve waited until 2 weeks out from the elections to voice my decision to my so-called democratic representatives in the Illinois House and Senate.  Put simply, I’ve shared the following with Biss and Gabel:
-They will not get my vote in the upcoming elections.  
-I will encourage all teachers, family, and friends to refrain from giving these two a pass based upon their party affiliation.
We’re beyond the point of reasonable persuasion.  These two, and many of their democratic colleagues, have betrayed the middle class.  Whether they’ve been duped or pressured is irrelevant.  They have joined the Civic Committee, Conservatives, and union-haters in their 

Ten minute drawing. Foreign policy.

Click on drawing to enlarge.