Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Backers of the "Parent Trigger"/Parent Tricker Law Don't Want You to Know: Real Democratic Involvement in Public Schools Works | K-12 News Network

What Backers of the "Parent Trigger"/Parent Tricker Law Don't Want You to Know: Real Democratic Involvement in Public Schools Works | K-12 News Network:

What Backers of the “Parent Trigger”/Parent Tricker Law Don’t Want You to Know: Real Democratic Involvement in Public Schools Works

Around the country, REAL parent heroes are putting the lie to the version of the story told in the movie Won’t Back Down.
The “parent trigger”, or “parent tricker” law is in the news again, this time with a glossy film starring popular actors Velma Davis and Maggie Gyllenhaal. The engaging and heart-string-tugging movie is called Won’t Back Down, and at the most simplistic level, the message is appealing if vague: parents and teachers should work together to make sure every child has an excellent education. Who can argue with that?
But as with most fairy-tale Hollywood movies, reality takes a back seat. And if the people behind the “parent tricker” bills have their way, that’s the only version that the American people will be exposed to. It’s in the