Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Op-Ed: Why charter schools are not enough | Ballard News-Tribune

Op-Ed: Why charter schools are not enough | Ballard News-Tribune:

Op-Ed: Why charter schools are not enough

This editorial is by Demian Godon, an opponent of I-1240 -- an initiative that would allow charter schools in Washington -- and a parent of two kids at Ballard High School.
It’s no secret that we need to improve education in this state. But a charter schools measure on this year’s ballot is the wrong move.
Initiative 1240 forces the state to spend millions on unproven ideas for a few, while neglecting to do anything that will really help all our kids. And I-1240 leaves little room for parents to be involved. That’s why the Washington State PTA has opposed I-1240.
Washington crams more kids into its classrooms than 46 of our 50 states. Our kids read outdated textbooks and prepare for the 21st century economy with