Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Walk away from School Districts Striving to have "Distinguished" Teachers Under Bill Gates' LEAP Program.

Missouri Education Watchdog: Walk away from School Districts Striving to have "Distinguished" Teachers Under Bill Gates' LEAP Program.:

Walk away from School Districts Striving to have "Distinguished" Teachers Under Bill Gates' LEAP Program.

According to Bill Gates' funded assessments,  Denver teachers need to teach social action to become a "distinguished" teacher. 

Walk away from public education in Denver as fast as possible.  Stop the silly talk about how charters, vouchers and education reforms will "save" education.  Find other alternatives for your children.  It's a sinking ship. As long as schools are directed by special interest money for certain agendas, public schools' curricula may have other purposes in mind than just the 3 R's.

Read below and determine if this is a system worth saving.  From utahnsagainstcommoncore: "The 4th 'R'