Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Mitt: Corporations Are People, But Unions Aren't

Jersey Jazzman: Mitt: Corporations Are People, But Unions Aren't:

Mitt: Corporations Are People, But Unions Aren't

The cognitive dissonance in Mitt Romney's mind must be overwhelming:
Republican nominee Mitt Romney said Tuesday that Democratic politicians have a conflict of interest in dealing with teacher unions because the unions contribute so heavily to their campaigns. He suggested that money should somehow be diverted or cut off, although he did not offer details.
Speaking in New York at Education Nation, a forum sponsored by NBC, Romney told interviewer Brian Williams that he is not necessarily against a right to strike. "I don't know that I would prevent teachers from being able to strike," he said, adding later that "allowing teachers to strike on matters such as compensation I think is a right that exists in this country."

Movie Stars ARE Fair Game

The stars of the anti-union propaganda film Won't Back Down are backpedaling like crazy:
Barnz, Gyllenhaal and Davis all stressed they are pro-union but hope people see “Won’t Back Down” as a film about seemingly powerless individuals working to improve schools for the children’s sake. National union leaders have objected to its depiction of their organizations.
“I didn’t expect any of the discourse and friction that happened as a result of this movie coming out,” said Davis.
“I’m pro-education and pro-child,” she said, adding that “teachers alone can’t turn around failing schools. It absolutely takes the support of the community, parents, unions and the board of