Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Education Nation & Charter School Myths #EdNatTTH #EducationNation

Jersey Jazzman: Education Nation & Charter School Myths:

Education Nation & Charter School Myths

The Education Nation conflagration is in full swing at MSNBC, and what a difference a year makes! Brian Williams looked a little stunned at times at the reactions of the teachers in the audience. I don't know if it's the Chicago strike, the election, or that we've simply had enough reformy nonsense, but it's clear teachers are not just going to sit quietly and take it anymore.

Which means that those who are used to getting automatic applause for bashing teachers and unions had better adjust their expectations. One New York City charter school teacher who took a swipe at unionized teachers, claiming she was told she couldn't work non-contract hours, wound up getting an earful for putting out such an obvious untruth (No video yet; I'm going on memory here, but will embed clips later).

So when a teacher from the International Academy of Flint stood up, he made sure to say his school was a