Thursday, September 20, 2012

In the News: Karen Lewis' moment in the spotlight |

In the News: Karen Lewis' moment in the spotlight |

In the News: Karen Lewis' moment in the spotlight

CTU President Karen Lewis has emerged "as a union rock star," the Sun-Times says in introducing an exclusive interview with her. Lewis also joined Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now" to talk about the strike, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and what the strike meant for education reform across the country.
"We’ve been micromanaged into doing things that we know are harmful for children," Lewis said.
The state agency that investigates unfair labor practices related to educatorsissued a complaint against CPS on Wednesday, and a hearing is scheduled next week that could ultimately force the district to pay some raises that teachers expected at the beginning of the school year. (Tribune)
Details are emerging that seem to indicate teachers gained modest concessions during the strike, and actually earned many of the significant wins before the strike