Sunday, September 2, 2012

In box. Jonah Edelman at ASCD. « Fred Klonsky

In box. Jonah Edelman at ASCD. « Fred Klonsky:

In box. Jonah Edelman at ASCD.

ASCD cancelled him has a speaker……I hope everyone is happy that FREE SPEECH is now the new “squeaky wheel”……… much for a nonprofit being A-Political…….isn’t the choice of the educator to attend his speaking engagement …..not the choice of ASCD to not allow him to speak? Horrible times we live in now……..
- not a teacher…but a teacher’s dad 
Dear not a teacher,
Just to be clear. I never suggested that Edelman not be allowed

Guest blog. I find myself unable to sit still.

By Jerry.
On the eve of a historic battle between Chicago teachers and Rahm Emanuel, in what is to be the biggest fight for quality education in recent history, I find myself unable to sit still. I am in awe of the Chicago Teacher’s Union and their leadership and, at the same time, genuinely annoyed by the leadership of my own leaders in the IEA. While I am a suburban teacher, it is undeniable clear to me the impact the fight in Chicago will have on my profession, the school I work in, as well as the school my children attend. The issues central to CPS teachers are completely and totally parallel to those facing teachers throughout the state.
Fair salary in an era of teaching that is increasingly demanding more from me professionally and personally, the