Monday, September 24, 2012

Engaging the Whole Community to Support Positive Bus Behavior — Whole Child Education

Engaging the Whole Community to Support Positive Bus Behavior — Whole Child Education:

ASCD Whole Child Bloggers

Engaging the Whole Community to Support Positive Bus Behavior

Jessica Bohn
Post submitted by Jessica Bohn, principal at Gibsonville Elementary School in Gibsonville, N.C. She has worked at all levels K–16, including as a university assistant director, assistant principal, district curriculum specialist, and science teacher. Bohn is a member of the ASCD Emerging Leaders Class of 2012 and is passionate about STEM education and 21st century learning.
If you are an educational leader, you know that promoting positive behavior on the school bus can be a challenge. Students are often tired, restless, and ready for unstructured play at the end of a school day. Last year, I was presented with the data that our buses were the location of the majority of our discipline referrals, and I wondered what I could do about it.
We are a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) school, but translating those practices to the