Saturday, September 8, 2012

Diane in the Evening 9-8-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Is Michelle Rhee Taking Over the Democratic Party?

An article in The Atlantic by a political reporter named Molly Ball claims that Michelle Rhee is “taking over” the Democratic Party.
It curious that Rhee owns the party but was not invited to speak and explain her views. So many speakers ridiculed Mitt Romney because, they said, he likes to fire people. Funny, Rhee likes to fire people too. When she ran the DC schools, she invited a PBS camera crew to watch her fire a principal.
I wrote to the author of this article. You should too. Post a copy here if you do. Her email address is in the article.
This is what I wrote:
Would a Democrat work to promote

Different Advice from an Ex-Private School Teacher

After reading another post, this teacher explained why she would not teach in a private school again:
I taught at a private school once in my career. The owners micromanaged us like vultures circling. We were told in so many words not to give grades below a C.  While they were in the early years they were not super selective as long as your parents could pay the $10,000 tuition.  I still never saw a true special needs student.  They asked me to teach subjects I was not