Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Diane in the Evening 9-19-12 Chicago Teacher Strike Ends « Diane Ravitch's blog

Can You Suggest Readings That Helped You? « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Can You Suggest Readings That Helped You?

A reader asked for suggestions. I said I would ask for your ideas:
My sister is an experienced teacher struggling to keep her chin up in an impoverished district serving children whose parents are non-English speaking or meth addicts. She and her staff want to form a book study group this year – looking for ways to enhance their professional practice and their children’s lives – wanting desperately to have positive and productive conversations about this important work during these bleak times. Can you or any of your “followers” recommend some titles for them to consider? A retired teacher myself, I remain passionate about helping those who carry on.
Thank you for any and all suggestions.

Rev. Jesse Jackson Gets It Right

Who is hurting the kids? Reverend Jesse Jackson knows.
A lot of pious preaching came from reformers who opposed the Chicago teachers’ strike. They said, “You are hurting the children by keeping them out of school.”
We never hear them say that the Mayor and the school board are hurting the children by denying them small 

Chicago Teacher Strike Ends

You have heard the news by now that the strike is over. I was lecturing in Chattanooga and meeting with leaders of the community from 2 pm until now. My brother tweeted to ask why I was behind the curve. Oops, offline.
Pundits and commentators will be poring over the Deep Meaning of all this for weeks and months to come. There will be countless articles about Lessons Learned.
Personally, I think we have a good idea already about why the teachers went on strike. No, it wasn’t greed or money. The compensation piece was more or less settled before the strike. Pundits and talk-show hosts who