Monday, September 3, 2012

Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie

Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie:

Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie

Posted:  Updated: 09/03/2012 7:52 am

WASHINGTON -- The most controversial thing to happen at the Democratic National Convention this week may end up being a movie screening.
On Monday afternoon, a Hollywood film called "Won't Back Down" -- which opens in theaters nationwide on Sept. 28 -- will be shown to a select crowd of convention-goers in Charlotte, N.C., just as it was one week prior at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.
But unlike Tampa, where the promoters had little concern about making waves with the party establishment and had no trouble when they ran the idea past the Republican National Committee, the request for a Charlotte screening went to the highest levels of the Obama administration, which passed the decision off to the Democratic National Committee, according to a source with knowledge of the chain of events. According to this source, Valerie Jarrett, Obama's close personal adviser, and David Plouffe, his top political adviser,