Thursday, September 20, 2012

Daily Kos: IA-04 - a brief update from on the ground

Daily Kos: IA-04 - a brief update from on the ground:

IA-04 - a brief update from on the ground

Hello all.  After driving more than 1,000 miles from Arlington VA I arrived in Ames yesterday to volunteer forChristie Vilsack in her campaign against Congressman Steve King in Iowa's 4th Congressional district.
There is a lot going on in and around Ames and elsewhere in the district, to which I will get momentarily.  I am posting this as I gobble lunch - a vegan sandwich from Wheatfields cooperative natural foods grocery, which is next door to the building housing the Story County Democratic Party's field operations, in which are based the campaigns both of Christie Vilsack and the local operations for Obama.
The big news of the day is two-fold.  Gov. Chris Christie is in town to support King.  And Christie is scheduled to be on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell tonight -  I do not as yet know which time block, although I believe it will be in the first half hour.
This is the first of what I hope to be a series of diaries during the time I am here - which will be through one week