Sunday, September 30, 2012

Daily Kos: I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled

Daily Kos: I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled:

I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled

will explain a lot -  about the mindset of many who are Republicans (and unfortunately more than a few who are at least nominally Democrats, including those in the group Democrats for Education Reform), and will most certainly help you understand the thinking of the likes of Mitt Romney.
That is the title of this columnby Steve Pearlstein of The Washington Post, appearing in today's dead-tree edition, and online since last night.
It is brilliant.
It is also almost impossible to excerpt, although below the squiggle I will offer a few selections with commentary.

Warren up 5 in new Boston Globe poll

but due caution, still 18% undecided.
In this Globe story about the poll, we learn that she now leads Scott Brown by 43-38.
This survey is the sixth of eight public polls taken this month that show Warren ahead.
  So we know the trend is in Warren's direction, and the director of the survey notes
“Brown right now is not doing well enough among Democrats to offset the advantage that ­Warren has,” said Smith. “That’s just such a big obstacle to overcome for any Republican candidate” in Massachusetts.
Brown is only drawing 9% of those planning to vote for Obama, while 20% of Obama voters remain undecided in