Monday, September 17, 2012

Commit To Everything And All Things At Once (Or Rebel) [Future of Teaching] | The Jose Vilson

Commit To Everything And All Things At Once (Or Rebel) [Future of Teaching] | The Jose Vilson:

Commit To Everything And All Things At Once (Or Rebel) [Future of Teaching]

Balloon’s Emotions
An excerpt from my latest:
It might be the best description of the first week of faculty meetings for schools nationwide. The Common Core State Standards (and multiple intelligences, the workshop model, and the host of other initiatives I’ve seen) have brought along their own set of pseudo-experts coming in to tell teachers what to teach, how to teach, and, inevitably why.
The last one is particularly insulting because I’d wager most educators know why they’re in their profession, but one of the first rallying speeches always alludes to a talking point used by another expert out there. “We have failed our kids …” and “We keep doing kids a disservice for as long as we have …” doesn’t inspire, much to the dismay of people from the outside. If anything, it