Wednesday, September 12, 2012

» Chicago Teachers Union Begins Day 3 of Strike to Save the City’s Schools

» Chicago Teachers Union Begins Day 3 of Strike to Save the City’s Schools:

Chicago Teachers Union Begins Day 3 of Strike to Save the City’s Schools

For a third straight day, Chicago’s public school teachers (members of the Chicago Teachers Union) will be on strike to protest the direction that Chicago’s school system is headed. The CTU and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are at odds on a handful of issues, leaving 350,000 students unable to attend school. The catch is, however, that even if they were in school, they might not have books, they’d likely be in classrooms of 40 or more, and they’d be receiving roughly one third of the funding that students in the suburbs receive.
At stake is the future of education in Chicago, a city whose school system