Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brown kills bill establishing study committee on school finance | EdSource Today

Brown kills bill establishing study committee on school finance | EdSource Today:

Brown kills bill establishing study committee on school finance - by John Fensterwald

Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed a bill that would have created a task force to explore options for school finance reform, thus ensuring that his own weighted student formula won’t be drowned out in a marketplace of ideas when the Legislature convenes in January. “I agree that California’s complex school finance laws need urgent attention. Creating a task force, however, may actually delay action on...

Skeptical unions pose challenge to districts’ Race to the Top - by John Fensterwald

Nearly 900 districts nationwide, including 76 districts and charter schools in California, have told the federal government that they plan to compete for the final $400 million Race to the Top district competition. But with local unions having in effect a veto over their districts’ application, that number could dwindle. It’s already starting. The executive board of Sacramento City Teachers...

Why 21st century education is not just about technology - by Seth Rosenblatt

Our district, like many others, has been having lots of conversations about “21st Century Education” and what it means for us. There are many books and articles written on the subject, but I think the big picture tends to get lost in the discussion, particularly at the local level. When one speaks of “21st Century Learning,” many people just assume it means adding iPads or other technology into...