Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Annual paid teacher leave: Average is 13.6 days for veterans. Fulton gives teachers 20 days. | Get Schooled

Annual paid teacher leave: Average is 13.6 days for veterans. Fulton gives teachers 20 days. | Get Schooled:

Annual paid teacher leave: Average is 13.6 days for veterans. Fulton gives teachers 20 days.

Of Georgia's largest systems, Fulton offers the most teacher leave, according to a new study.  (AP Images)
Of Georgia's largest systems, Fulton offers the most teacher leave, according to a new study. (AP Images)
The print AJC offered several provocative education stories over the past few days, including one on the paid leave afforded teachers in large school districts.
The story was based on a new report from the National Council on Teacher Quality, which noted wide differences nationwide in leave policies and amounts. (Before commenting, please try to read the report as it explains in detail how leave is defined.)
Who provides the least teacher leave? According to the report:
Of the 26 districts which offer 10 or fewer days of general leave, nine are located in Florida. California,