Wednesday, September 5, 2012

UPDATE: A f—— conversation between Rahm and Axelrod. « Fred Klonsky

A f—— conversation between Rahm and Axelrod. « Fred Klonsky:

Hands around City Hall.

When Jackson Potter told me on Saturday night that we were going to join hands and encircle City Hall, I didn’t really believe it.
Believe it.

Former Governor Edgar to the state on pensions. “Pay up.”

Crain’s Greg Hinz reports on former GOP Governor Jim Edgar’s views on the pension issue. Edgar finds no common ground with today’s GOP, the Democrats or even the Civic Committee.

Mr. Edgar said he wouldn’t have called that late-August special legislative session that Mr. Quinn called — not without some reason to think that something was likely to happen. All that did is rile up the various factions, he said. Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan “is a smart guy. But he can’t govern the state. 

A f—— conversation between Rahm and Axelrod.

“Hello, Rahm. This is David.”
“Hey, Axe. How the f— are you? Good speech last night, huh?”
“Yeh. Michelle was great. A home run.”
“I meant f—— me.”
“Oh. Right. You were good. A little rough on the teleprompter reading. But good. Yes. good.”

The in box. Chris Ludkowski takes on Representative Elaine Nekritz

Lill Ludkowski is a teacher in my old district. A union stalwart. Chris Ludkowski is her son.
State Representative Elaine Nekritz is a chief sponsor of the pension cost shift that would place the state’s pension payment obligations to local school districts. She also backs benefit cuts to teacher retirees.
Hello Fred,
I’m writing so that your readers can be the first to know that my son, Chris Ludkowski, has decided to mount a write-in campaign for the office of State Representative of the 57th District.As many of your readers know, that office is currently held by Elaine Nekritz, sponsor of the bill to