Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why the ACLU Is Suing Michigan « Diane Ravitch's blog

Why the ACLU Is Suing Michigan « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Why the ACLU Is Suing Michigan

The ACLU has filed suit against the agencies and people who, they claim, have failed the children of Highland Park. This is one of three districts where a state emergency manager was sent to take charge because of fiscal distress. He shut down the public schools and will turn the students over to charter operators. In this letter, the state’s ACLU director explains why it is suing:
The Detroit News’ July 16 editorial, “ACLU’s Highland Park lawsuit blames wrong defendants,” woefully missed the mark. The News says that the ACLU should have sued only the local school board for having failed the children of Highland Park.
The truth is, there’s plenty of blame to go around. That is why we sued the state, the district, its emergency manager, the state superintendent, the State Board of Education and the state Department of Education. All have failed the children of