Tuesday, August 28, 2012

UPDATE: They’re still fighting for social justice at Social Justice High School. « Fred Klonsky

They’re still fighting for social justice at Social Justice High School. « Fred Klonsky:

hey’re still fighting for social justice at Social Justice High School.

Social Justice students speak at community protest. Photo: Substance, Sarah Chambers.
The story of Chicago’s Social Justice High School began with a hunger strike in 2001.

Starting on Mother’s Day, 17 members of the Little Village community, a Mexican neighborhood in southwest Chicago, drank only water and juice for 19 days. They camped out in unseasonably cold and rainy weather on a vacant strip of land across from a demolished cooking-oil factory.

The group, mostly mothers, explained that while they were hungry, their 

Ten minute drawing: N.J. Governor Christie and the Union thug.

How can Illinois’ Governor Quinn lead a grassroots movement if he is afraid to show up at the Fair?

One-term Governor Pat Quinn has promised to lead a grassroots movement to gut public employee pensions.
But how can he lead a movement of people who he is afraid to meet?
Two weeks ago he was met by hundreds of union members who booed him of the stage and out of the Sprinfield State Fair grounds.
Saturday he was a no-show at the State Fair in Du Quoin.

Governor Quinn ‘No Show’ For Democrat Day At DuQuion State Fair8/27/12 @ 9:12:24 am

(Du Quoin, IL) — The state’s highest ranking Democrat didn’t show up for