Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett] | The Jose Vilson

Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett] | The Jose Vilson:

Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett]

Xian Barrett has been one of my favorite education commenters in the last year or so. His commentary can simultaneously crack you up and crack your jaw, swelling and opening eyes unflinchingly. Today, CNN’s School of Thought asked him to contribute to their blog. Good on you, CNN. Observe:
Most Chicago teachers give our all in very challenging conditions. A recent Gates study suggests that the average teacher works 53 hours per week, while University of Illinois researchers found that Chicago teachers work approximately 58 hours per week. Several years ago, I counted my own hours and found that I was consistently working between 70-90 hours each week. Through