Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thank you, academia! « Deborah Meier on Education

Thank you, academia! « Deborah Meier on Education:

Thank you, academia!

After I finished writing  that last blogette I received a blog from Steve Zemelman. (teacherspeakup.com). Good stuff.  And, of course, Mike Rose who writes irregularly but always stirs me to think more deeply, but not rigorously. (see below for the definition of rigor. What do YOU think it means?) I could go and on.
rigor: (America Heritage – old fashioned heavy book style) 1. strictness or severity of action or judgement. 2. A

The scary grown-up world

U used to think when I was young, even when I was a firm teenage Marxist, that I could–in the end–depend on smart adults whom might disagree with me but who kept the long term interests of the USA, the human race, the planet and themselves in mind. They wouldn’t do anything too stupid. Then I became a grown-up and discovered that I couldn’t or shouldn’t assume anything of the sort. Some smart grown-ups–well-educated and enormously talented at making money et al–can’t think even a few years down the road. They figure their wealth will always protect them and their grandkids, and otherwise, “who knows, it may all work out.”
Reading the Larry Cuban on School Reform blog is worth reading if only to remind myself that there are wise and