Tuesday, August 7, 2012

SOS: Helping Each Other! « Deborah Meier on Education

SOS: Helping Each Other! « Deborah Meier on Education:

SOS: Helping Each Other!

Before I forget. Connect with Bob Schaeffer or Monty Neill at FairTest for updates on useful articles, data, etc. about testing. That place is amazing. Follow up with donations.
I’m still “high” from three wonderful days at SOS’s gathering in D.C. with wonderful people –morning, noon and night. We managed to even get agreement on some more substantive “planks”–filling out our agenda re schooling in America. We did one on early childhood, on labor unions, civil rights, assessment, etc. Keep in touch with SOS for the details. We agreed on a basic governing structure. We set a few key “targets” for this year–locally and nationally. A march has its values, but this was even better than last year–in terms of making me confident that we can sustain this work. Because there is no quick fix, and the powers against us are