Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Competition and the Public Sector

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Competition and the Public Sector:

Competition and the Public Sector

I often hear folks say that the root problem with public education is that it is a monopoly and that, as such, has no incentive to provide better service. This statement reflects not only a gross misunderstanding of the difference between the private sector and the public sector, but a gross ignorance of the facts. I'm really tired of this foolish talk and I'd like to put an end to it now. You can help by exposing the thoughtlessness of this idea every time the idea is mentioned.

I don't care who operates the mouth that gives voice to the idea that competition would be beneficial to public education. Yes, it is typically libertarians, free market true-believers, or just ordinary conservative ditto-heads, but it sometimes drips from the lips of other bumper-sticker sloganeers or their parrots. It doesn't matter who says it, the idea fails on its own lack of merit. There is no need for ad hominem retorts. Even if the idea were voiced by someone I (otherwise) admire and respect, they are wrong about this. I would say "You may be right about a lot