Friday, August 10, 2012

Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow | Scathing Purple Musings

Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow | Scathing Purple Musings:

Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow

Michelle Rhee has continued to distribute cash into Florida politics. On top of last week’s list, Rhee has followed up with two more.
* On 7/27/12 Rhee’s StudentsFirst contributed $5000  to the PAC belonging to Rep. Erik Fresen (R-Miami) Floridians for a Strong 67. Like most republican PACs, it too, is run by Nancy Watkins. Fresen’s brother-in-law, Fernando Zulueta, is the president of controversial charter school, Academica. His sister is vice president. Academica donated $100,000 to John Kirtley’s Florida Federation for Children last month.
* On 8/2/12, Rhee’s organization gave $2500 to the PAC belonging t