Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide…

Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide…:

Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide…

There has been an outbreak of “concern” about the safety of  ”children” from adult predators, and those who “turn a blind eye” to such goings on. This comes naturally on the heels of the Penn State atrocities, and those at Miramonte Elementary, but I think there is more at work and this is part of a campaign to undermine teacher dismissal rights and due process. The summer started with an attempt to strip due process rights for teachers to a width thinner than dental floss here in California. Then Campbell Brown started the discussion in New York, accusing unions of “protecting” child molesters, making it sound like she was asking  how long union members have been beating our spouses and children. If you all have had similar campaigns in your state, please share in the comments.
Ira Socol has done a bang-up job of looking at the systemic causes behind Penn State, and unions are  not at