Friday, August 31, 2012

Paul Ryan and the ‘scary’ future of public education in America - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post

Paul Ryan and the ‘scary’ future of public education in America - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post:

Paul Ryan and the ‘scary’ future of public education in America

There’s something about Paul Ryan that scares the bejeezus out of some black people.
A recent NBC/Wall Street poll confirmed zero percent black support for Mitt Romney and his vice presidential pick (A Washington 
Ryan speaks in Tampa on Aug. 29. (Toni L. Sandys - THE WASHINGTON POST)
Post poll found that 4 percent of registered African Americans would vote for the GOP ticket). Romney was already scary all by himself with his “corporations are people, too” mindset. But when he tapped Ryan, who crafted a draconian budget to target social services and education, many people - black and white - let out a collective gasp.
A self-professed defense hawk, Ryan plans to dump more money into defense spending and give “job creators” money taken from already poor and debt-ridden Americans. University of California-Berkeley