Thursday, August 16, 2012

Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.' – Schools of Thought - Blogs

Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.' – Schools of Thought - Blogs:

Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.'

Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.'
Editors note: A recent Schools of Thought reader made this comment: "Equal air time for Ravitch – all this can and should be debated fairly – the blog space is welcome but insufficient." Diane Ravitch is scheduled to appear on CNN Newsroom Weekend with Randi Kaye this Saturday, August 18.
by John Martin, CNN
(CNN) – Education historian and professor Diane Ravitch took issue with a recent CNN appearance by former D.C. Schools chancellor Michele Rhee. Rhee and Ravitch both believe that quality teaching can make a difference in the classroom. But the two have fundamental differences in their beliefs about the quality of America's education system and its teachers.
Rhee told CNN, "The problem is that people don't understand where we stand right now in international rankings on academics. We are behind countries like Hungary and Luxembourg."  On Schools of Thought, Ravitch responded, "