Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NYC Educator: You're Never Just a Teacher

NYC Educator: You're Never Just a Teacher:

You're Never Just a Teacher

As the new school year approaches, I'm sure we're all starting to write lesson plans and welcome letters.  Maybe some of us are stopping by our school buildings this week to check on classrooms.  And that's all well and good, and incredibly important.  But have you taken some time to remember how you're going to take care of yourself this school year?  You are, of course, never just a teacher.  You are a friend, a son/daughter, sibling, parent, or spouse.  Maybe you are also a yogi, a writer, a dancer, a tennis player.  Do you have a plan for nurturing your entire personality for the coming year?

One thing I did this week was to lay out a daily agenda for myself that leaves me time to do the things I care