Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More Than 30 NYC Candidates Refuse to Accept ‘RomneyFirst’ Cash | Politicker

More Than 30 NYC Candidates Refuse to Accept ‘RomneyFirst’ Cash | Politicker:

More Than 30 NYC Candidates Refuse to Accept ‘RomneyFirst’ Cash

(Photo: RomneyFirst campaign)

The campaign against the pro-charter school political organization “StudentsFirstNY” is amassing support from current and aspiring politicians.
The anti-StudentsFirst group formed last week and quickly caused a number of 2013 mayoral candidates looking at signing on a pledge to avoid any contributions from StudentsFirst, with Comptroller John Liu completely signing on and Council Speaker Christine Quinn declining to do so. But pro-public school advocates didn’t slow down there and they’ve rolled out a plethora of officials who have signed the pledge, including contenders for Gracie Mansion, various borough halls, and the City Council.
The group calls StudentsFirst “RomneyFirst” due to its overlapping donors with the GOP presidential candidate.
“As someone who has fought throughout my adult life for quality public schools for all and to give every child a chance to succeed, I find the connections outlined in this report between StudentsFirst and Mitt Romney’s backwards agenda alarming and disturbing,” Councilman