Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Modern School: California Millionaires’ Organize Against Prop 30

Modern School: California Millionaires’ Organize Against Prop 30:

California Millionaires’ Organize Against Prop 30

Three business executives (Floyd Kvamme, David Marquardt, and Mark Stevens) recently sent out a fundraising appeal to their millionaire friends and colleagues seeking their support in opposing California’s Proposition 30, according to the California Progress Report. The initiative on November’s ballot, is supposed to bring in an extra $9 billion a year from increase taxes.

These millionaires and their wealthy allies are upset that the legislation would increase their income taxes by 1-3%. They are also careless: the letter somehow managed to fall into the hands of the California Nurses Association and California Federation of Teachers, which 

Today in Labor History—August 29

August 29, 1968 – Chicago police brutally assaulted demonstrators, reporters and bystanders at the Democratic national convention. (From the Daily Bleed)

August 29, 1970 – LAPD brutally attacked 10,000 Chicano antiwar demonstrators, killing three, including journalist Ruben Salazar. The attacked led to a week of rioting. (From the Daily Bleed)
(Video shot by Tom Myrdahl, August 29, 1970)