Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: And More On Bullying

Missouri Education Watchdog: And More On Bullying:

And More On Bullying

The Department of Education, at its annual anti-bullying summit, unveiled an ad campaign, co-sponsored by the Ad Council and the Free to Be Foundation, advising kids to speak up if they see bullying at school. To stay silent is to be complicit in the bullying.

Actually, the ads don't say that last part, but since this is an annual summit it can be assumed that it will continue to be held for many years. And since it is organized by the DoEd, who looks for continual improvement, or value added, it is not a leap to think that in a few years that's how they will interpret a child's failure to get involved in a bullying situation. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius did say, “We are all responsible for our children’s safety, and no one can afford to be a bystander.”

Rather than deal with conjecture, however, lets take a look at the people involved in this summit. It included