Monday, August 13, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving."

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving.":

Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving."

Teachers returned to work in Chicago schools without a contract. But CEO Brizard is telling everyone that the new contract is a sure bet. 
“I’m optimistic that we’re going to come to a resolution soon, hopefully before Labor Day,”’ Brizard said after ringing the school bell at Lindblom High School, 6130 S. Wolcott, one of the city’s elite selective-enrollment high schools. 
But many CTU members I've talked with seem to think otherwise. A post on the CTU blog urges members to keep on putting money away in preparation for a strike.
Despite the interim agreement, there are many open issues still on the negotiating table in which 


Thousands of union members and workers rallied in Philadelphia's Center City Saturday afternoon. While labor is obviously supporting Obama's candidacy, the rally hit at anti-union policies of both parties including the holding of the Democratic Convention in anti-union North Carolina.
Rick Smith, CWA activist
"This is much like the tea party started out to be, These are people who are tired of being screwed over." -- Daily Times
 AFL-CIO Pres, Richard Trumka 
"Anyone who says America can't afford retirement security, or health care, or decent pay for honest work, or great schools, or a postal service, or cops or firefighters and teachers and nurses,