Monday, August 13, 2012

Learning Online? Let the Buyer Beware - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard

Learning Online? Let the Buyer Beware - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard:

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Learning Online? Let the Buyer Beware

I’m often asked how I feel about the disgraceful conduct of on-line universities in the news these days. Who isn’t appalled by the evidence and testimony given at recent Senate investigations that show for-profit on-line universities talking trusting students into programs that are frauds? Who isn’t disgusted by institutions that convince hopeful, often low-income students that an investment in one degree or another will be worth the cost of tuition and materials of tens of thousands – at times hundreds of thousands – of dollars?
I’m often asked how I feel about the amazing potential of on-line universities in the news these days. Who isn’t impressed by the creative capacity of educators who have found ways to connect students nationally or internationally in electronic and social media learning experiences that include conversations and sharing and arguments and inquiry? Who isn’t excited about the possibilities of being more and more inclusive of non-traditional students who may not live near a traditional campus or be able to go to class during a traditional day.
The National Education Association is constantly