Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Charters: No Consequences For Failure

Jersey Jazzman: Charters: No Consequences For Failure:

Charters: No Consequences For Failure

The justification for closing down public schools and replacing them with charters is that the public schools have tried and failed to serve poor, urban kids, and we have a moral imperative to try something different. The publics had their chance, and they blew it; let's try something new.

But what if what we're really doing is trying something old?
Three proposals for a Hope Act charter school here were submitted on time Friday. 
The applications came from KIPP Norcross Cooper Academy, which held a press conference to announce its bid, as well as record producer Kenny Gamble’s Universal Companies and the Benjamin Franklin Academy. 
But officials of the proposed KIPP Norcross Cooper Academy said they hope eventually to